What is the biggest Twitter trend in Amman?

Today in Amman most famous trending topics are as follow: #جندي_مصري هازارد #صباح_الخيرᅠ الجندي المصري الجيش المصري علي الحدود المصريه

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Based on the volume of tweets from Amman, the pie chart above provides graphical information about what's hot on Twitter right now.

Sr Trending Hashtag / TopicTweet Count
1 #جندي_مصري 34826
2 هازارد 11714
3 #صباح_الخيرᅠ 30597
4 الجندي المصري 27861
5 الجيش المصري 24515
6 علي الحدود المصريه 19430
7 #كل_ما_هو_اردني_جميل below 10K
8 دي خيا below 10K
9 ناتشو below 10K
10 ماريانو below 10K
11 غاندوغان below 10K
12 #نفرح_بالامير_حسين below 10K
13 عقيد القوم below 10K
14 للسيتي below 10K
15 ساعات العمل below 10K
16 سليمان خاطر 15249
17 #جمعه_مباركه below 10K
18 برونو below 10K
19 جنود الاحتلال below 10K
20 الشهيد البطل 15486
21 ولي العهد 35991
22 غوارديولا below 10K
23 راموس below 10K
24 جيش الاحتلال below 10K
25 مبارك سيدي below 10K
26 اسينسيو below 10K
27 الجيش الاسراييلي 11879
28 الكيان الصهيوني below 10K
29 البطل المصري 11801
30 ميسي 90097
31 عبدالله 46904
32 اليوم السبت 12462
33 جنات الخلد below 10K
34 كاسيميرو below 10K
35 الامن السيبراني below 10K
36 JUNGKOOK 862645
37 الاعلام العبري below 10K
38 علي بن ابي طالب below 10K
39 Egypt 30856
40 القطاع الخاص below 10K
41 وجدي غنيم below 10K
42 Islam 66113
43 الامير حسين below 10K
44 إسرائيل 35667
45 الدول المتقدمه below 10K
46 المحادثه المباشره below 10K
47 Happiest 36423
48 الوضع الاقتصادي below 10K
49 ميندي below 10K
50 امي الارمله below 10K

About Amman


# How do i see trends on twitter in Amman ?

Here at our site, we provide the latest Twitter trending topic data in tabular format, as well as graphical format. To get updated records, our data get refreshed every 30 mins using Twitter API.
For Amman, the Twitter trend data is available for export in Xls format. Also, you can download the graph of the top 5 Twitter hashtags in Amman now.
You can also bookmark this page to get the latest updated twitter trend from Amman.

# What is No 1 trending on twitter in Amman?

Currently, #جندي_مصري is the No 1 trending topic on Twitter in Amman. The total tweet volume of #جندي_مصري from Amman is 34826 tweets, which makes it at the top position.

More About HashTags

1 ) More about hashtag #جندي_مصري ?
The hashtag #جندي_مصري is trending top today in Amman. People from Amman tweeted this hashtag more than 34826 times and it is going on. If we talk about ranking then currently it ranks at position 1. It was first started on 05/07/2023 16:21:00 and still in trend.

2 ) What is hashtag هازارد ?
In Amman hashtag هازارد is trending top today. People from Amman tweeted this hashtag more than 11714 times and it is going on. Currently, it ranking at position 2. It was first started on 05/07/2023 16:21:00 and still in trend.

3 ) More about hashtag #صباح_الخيرᅠ ?
The hashtag #صباح_الخيرᅠ is trending top today in Amman. People from Amman tweeted this hashtag more than 30597 times and it is going on. If we talk about ranking then currently it ranks at position 3. It was first started on 05/07/2023 16:21:00 and still in trend.

4 ) What is hashtag الجندي المصري ?
In Amman hashtag الجندي المصري is trending top today. People from Amman tweeted this hashtag more than 27861 times and it is going on. Currently, it ranking at position 4. It was first started on 05/07/2023 16:21:00 and still in trend.

5 ) More about hashtag الجيش المصري ?
The hashtag الجيش المصري is trending top today in Amman. People from Amman tweeted this hashtag more than 24515 times and it is going on. If we talk about ranking then currently it ranks at position 5. It was first started on 05/07/2023 16:21:00 and still in trend.

6 ) What is hashtag علي الحدود المصريه ?
In Amman hashtag علي الحدود المصريه is trending top today. People from Amman tweeted this hashtag more than 19430 times and it is going on. Currently, it ranking at position 6. It was first started on 05/07/2023 16:21:00 and still in trend.

7 ) More about hashtag #كل_ما_هو_اردني_جميل ?
The hashtag #كل_ما_هو_اردني_جميل is trending top today in Amman. People from Amman tweeted this hashtag more than 10K times and it is going on. If we talk about ranking then currently it ranks at position 7. It was first started on 05/07/2023 16:21:00 and still in trend.