What is the biggest Twitter trend in Osaka?

Today in Osaka most famous trending topics are as follow: ノーヒット #大山悠輔 ピッチング #NGP3rd 朗希くん 大山さん

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Based on the volume of tweets from Osaka, the pie chart above provides graphical information about what's hot on Twitter right now.

About Osaka


# How do i see trends on twitter in Osaka ?

Here at our site, we provide the latest Twitter trending topic data in tabular format, as well as graphical format. To get updated records, our data get refreshed every 30 mins using Twitter API.
For Osaka, the Twitter trend data is available for export in Xls format. Also, you can download the graph of the top 5 Twitter hashtags in Osaka now.
You can also bookmark this page to get the latest updated twitter trend from Osaka.

# What is No 1 trending on twitter in Osaka?

Currently, ノーヒット is the No 1 trending topic on Twitter in Osaka. The total tweet volume of ノーヒット from Osaka is around 10K tweets, which makes it at the top position.

More About HashTags

1 ) More about hashtag ノーヒット ?
The hashtag ノーヒット is trending top today in Osaka. People from Osaka tweeted this hashtag more than 10K times and it is going on. If we talk about ranking then currently it ranks at position 1. It was first started on 05/06/2023 06:03:00 and still in trend.

2 ) What is hashtag #大山悠輔 ?
In Osaka hashtag #大山悠輔 is trending top today. People from Osaka tweeted this hashtag more than 10K times and it is going on. Currently, it ranking at position 2. It was first started on 05/06/2023 06:03:00 and still in trend.

3 ) More about hashtag ピッチング ?
The hashtag ピッチング is trending top today in Osaka. People from Osaka tweeted this hashtag more than 10K times and it is going on. If we talk about ranking then currently it ranks at position 3. It was first started on 05/06/2023 06:03:00 and still in trend.

4 ) What is hashtag #NGP3rd ?
In Osaka hashtag #NGP3rd is trending top today. People from Osaka tweeted this hashtag more than 10K times and it is going on. Currently, it ranking at position 4. It was first started on 05/06/2023 06:03:00 and still in trend.

5 ) More about hashtag 朗希くん ?
The hashtag 朗希くん is trending top today in Osaka. People from Osaka tweeted this hashtag more than 10K times and it is going on. If we talk about ranking then currently it ranks at position 5. It was first started on 05/06/2023 06:03:00 and still in trend.

6 ) What is hashtag 大山さん ?
In Osaka hashtag 大山さん is trending top today. People from Osaka tweeted this hashtag more than 10K times and it is going on. Currently, it ranking at position 6. It was first started on 05/06/2023 06:03:00 and still in trend.

7 ) More about hashtag #njpw ?
The hashtag #njpw is trending top today in Osaka. People from Osaka tweeted this hashtag more than 11213 times and it is going on. If we talk about ranking then currently it ranks at position 7. It was first started on 05/06/2023 06:03:00 and still in trend.